Red Paws Inn Read online

Page 10

  She looked down at the laptop keyboard for a moment, turned it back, did some clicking, then turned it around to show a photo of me. I was talking to Jenna. I didn’t think it was anything special, but Alyssa had seemed enrapt. “So?” I looked up at her. “You took photos all day long. Why did this one catch your attention?”

  “Oh, I’m sure there are others that will catch my attention,” she replied. “But…” She trailed off. “I don’t know how to explain it.” She tapped the screen. “Jenna’s affection for you is clear.”

  “She’s straight and has a boyfriend.”

  “I didn’t mean that kind of affection.”

  “We’re friends.”

  “She’s your employee.”

  “She’s been a friend since I was a kid.”

  “Well, the two of you have an amazing relationship.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Not the way you mean,” she said. “And that has nothing to do with it. Jenna seems great.”

  “This place would go out of business if not for what she does.”

  “And this great person thinks you’re great. This great person thinks working for you is great. That’s all. I was remembering the way the two of you interact. I enjoyed watching.”


  “Tell me you don’t understand what I’m talking about.”

  I said nothing but then nodded. “Jenna and I cried together at Grams’ funeral.”

  “I’m not surprised to hear that.” She tapped the computer screen. “I’m going to ask her if she minds if I put this on the web site. It’s impossible to explain your relationship, but people love to know who will be taking care of them. In fact, I want to interview your key staff. Do I have your permission?”

  “You may ask, but if they say ‘no’, don’t pressure them.”

  “Maybe a little pressure.”

  “You may say ‘please’.”

  “I’m going to tell them it will help the resort.”

  “You don’t play fair.”

  “I play completely fairly,” she retorted. “In fact, I might ask Jenna to organize them for me.”

  I laughed. “She’ll get out a whip and have them lined up.”

  “Is her boyfriend into that?”

  “He’d sit back, laughing.”

  “I need to interview him, too. He runs trips, after all.”

  “He’s not as important here as Jenna is, but yeah. What he does is important, too.”

  “All right then,” she said. She folded her laptop closed and stood up. Before I could rise with her, she was standing behind me, her hands on my shoulders. I could feel her pressing against the back of the chair, and then she leaned down, her lips beside my ear. “I’m not feeling as sexy as I’d like right now.”

  “I should go.”

  “In a few minutes.” Then she began nibbling at my ear. I froze, then closed my eyes, wondering for the umpteenth time if I knew what I was doing.

  It was clear she did.

  She played with the ear, her arm moving to cup my head, holding me still for her. It was deeply sexy, and I felt my lips part. I tucked my head sideways, giving her just a little bit better access.

  “Oh,” she whispered. “You’re going to make this easy, are you?”

  I didn’t have an answer for that.

  Her free hand slipped down. The fingers began working on my buttons. I lifted my own hands, pressing against hers. But I didn’t try to stop her.

  She released one button, another, and then her fingers slipped inside, just lightly brushing my skin.

  I gave a little whimper.

  “Janis,” she whispered. “I’m only taking this a little further tonight. But if I asked for a proper date, what would you say?”

  “Define ‘proper’.”

  “One in which we both dress to please,” she said. “We do something that doesn’t involve interruptions. No dogs. No staff. No guests.”

  “Come back up in November.”

  “You can do better than that, Janis,” she replied. “You can take a night off.”

  “Alyssa.” What she was doing was deeply distracting. “There are restaurants in Grand Marais, but the nearest thing resembling a night life is at Lutsen, and frankly it’s not enough to be worth a 45-minute drive each way.”

  “You. Me. A sit-down dinner in which someone waits on us.”

  “We can do that here.”

  “And an entire evening of your undivided attention. Do I need to coordinate with Jenna?”

  I paused, then sighed. “Probably.”

  “Then I will.”

  “She’s gone tomorrow night.”

  “I remember.”

  “We’re booked for the weekend,” I added.

  She nibbled my ear. “Then I might have to drive back up next week for our date,” she said. Then she tipped my head back, and her mouth found mine.

  It wasn’t a simple kiss. She took me. Well, she took my mouth, and I moaned into the kiss and squirmed besides. It was just a kiss, but I knew I was utterly helpless but to let her play with me however she wanted.

  She controlled the kiss, and she controlled when it ended. Then I felt her searching my face. Then she patted my cheek. “Don’t forget your hounds.”

  My eyes snapped open. “You’re kicking me out?”

  “I am,” she said. “You need time to absorb what I just did to you before I do more of it.” She smiled, and then she caressed. “Are you short-handed with Jenna gone?”

  “We’re accustomed.”

  “Are you?”

  “I’ll be busy.”

  “I have to work. Would it help if I sat at the front desk? I couldn’t actually help anyone, but I can be friendly and summon someone who knows what to do.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Would that help or not?”

  “It could be boring.”

  “I’ll have plenty to do. Red Paws isn’t my only client.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She leaned forward and kissed my nose. “Good night.”

  “That was a shitty good night kiss.”

  “You had your good night kiss,” she said. “That was a I-think-you’re-cute kiss. Go.”

  “Going,” I said. “Going. Flapper! Henry! Let’s go home.”

  Date Night

  Wednesday was busy for me, although every time I slipped through the lodge, Alyssa was at the front desk, working on her laptop. She smiled at me and called me “boss”. She was too cute for my own good.

  We shared an early, rushed dinner, but we had guests, and I had duties. It wasn’t until later that I found myself back at her cabin, feeling worn out. She invited me in, kissed me, then we sat on the sofa together, talking quietly for an hour or two.

  I’d been hoping for a make-out session. Instead I got another good night kiss.

  I went to bed a little heart-stricken. Tomorrow was Thursday, and we were booked until Monday. Alyssa would be going home, and I had no idea what the future held.

  Thursday morning, Alyssa was already in the dining hall when I found her. She had her laptop. I sat down across from her. She looked up and smiled at me. “I’ve already checked out.”

  “Are you coming back?” I could hear the pain in my voice.

  She leaned forward and took my hands. “I thought about not telling you.”

  “Whether you’re coming back?”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “We’re booked, and I heard what you said about sharing my bed.”

  She smiled. “All the beds here are occupied for the weekend,” she said. “Even one you think is going to be empty.” I didn’t understand, and after a moment, she laughed. “It’s not like you rent out Jenna’s loft.”

  My eyes widened, and she laughed again. “You’re not leaving?”

  “Oh, I’ll go home next week,” she said. “I’m here this weekend. Now, I need to talk to my client for a minute.”

  “Wait,” I said. “Y
ou’re staying? Really?”

  “Really,” she said. “If that’s okay with you.”

  “Yes,” I said. “It’s more than okay.”

  “Good. I need an appointment with my client. Not today. When?”

  “Can we play it by ear?”

  “Which day is most likely to have time?”

  “There will be a window tomorrow, but then it will be busy until dusk on Sunday.”

  “And you’ll be exhausted.”


  “Then tomorrow you will find me. I’ll need about an hour, and I would prefer if it weren’t interrupted.”

  “All right.”

  “Our date is Monday evening. We’re staying here, but I want to see some leg.”

  “I wear shorts all summer.”

  “Uh, huh,” she said.

  * * * *

  We were busy. I’d never minded being busy before. Busy meant business. Business meant money. Money meant I could pay my employees and the electric company. I kept seeing Alyssa here and there, and I wanted nothing but to wrap myself in her. Instead, I ran my resort.

  It was weird watching her walk to the boathouse, knowing she was taking Jenna’s bed.

  I found time for her on Friday. We grabbed a table in the dining hall. She sat beside me, setting her laptop down in front of me. She opened her browser and said, “Go to your web site.”

  I did what she said, and then I stared at it for a while. I clicked through, looking at the entire site, or so I thought.

  And it was beautiful. It was absolutely stunning, and she’d had time to include some of the employee interviews. As I read through them, she said, “I need to do more interviews. You, for instance.”

  “But you’re basically done, or will be soon.” The site was beautiful, but I was worried. I turned to her.

  “Okay, there’s no way you hate it,” she said. She waved towards my face. “What is this?”

  “Will you be back?”

  “Oh, Janis,” she said. “I’m here until Tuesday morning. Jenna will be back, but she said she’d stay in Grand Marais for a night or two, so I won’t need to dirty a cabin.” She caressed my cheek and gave me a little peck.

  She didn’t answer my question.

  * * * *

  I was in knots all weekend. I spent as much of it with Alyssa as I could, which actually turned out to be far more than I expected. In the evenings, she teased me with her tantalizing kisses and touches, but we didn’t share a bed.

  Jenna came back Sunday afternoon. I helped her with her group, the two of us seeing to the equipment, and then once it was clear, she grabbed my hand and began walking, tugging me with her. “Where are we going?”

  “For a walk,” she said. I didn’t say anything, and it wasn’t until we were away from the boathouse that she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  I didn’t even try to pretend I didn’t know what she was talking about. “I’m falling for her, Jenna.”

  “That’s good, then.”

  “It’s not good if I lose my heart and she leaves Tuesday morning.”

  “Depends on whether she’s coming back.”

  “And then leaving again.”

  “Give her reasons to stay.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  She turned to face me. “Stop holding back.”

  “I’m not holding back.”

  “Take a risk. Enjoy what you can have. Let next month come next month.”

  “Is that how you live your life?”

  “This isn’t about me,” she replied. “But what would you be telling me if the roles were reversed?”

  “I’d tell you to watch your heart.”

  “You’d tell me to take a chance, too, and you’d tell me to put all of myself into it, just like you put all of yourself into everything you do. In fact, I seem to remember a conversation that went pretty much just like that.”

  “Ted is only a half hour away.”

  “You told me to take a chance,” she said. “You told me to offer my heart. You told me I was a good person, and that Ted would see that.” Then she looked me up and down, and it was quite pointed. “You told me I had a hot body, and that I’d have him wrapped around my little finger.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve never said that!”

  “You said I was an incredibly attractive woman, and he was clearly smitten.”

  “I’m pretty sure I never said… what you said.”

  She laughed. “You can’t even repeat it? What? Isn’t it true?” She put on a pose.

  “Knock it off.”

  “What’s the problem, Janis?”

  “You’re my employee!”

  “Afraid I’m going to sue you for sexual harassment?”

  “Frankly, yes.”

  She laughed. “Right. Look. You like her. She likes you. But you’ve both got a lot of sexual tension built up, and until you let some of it go, you won’t know if this can work or not. So when she gets you naked tomorrow night, do those things lesbians do. You know. Scissor, or tribble, or whatever it is.”


  “You know.” She used both hands to make a crude gesture.

  I shook my head. “It’s not called tribbling,” I muttered.

  “Whatever,” she said. “Do the things lesbians love to do. I’m sure you remember how. Look, Janis. She’s here now. She’s not here because she wants to work on our web site for free, or because she’s an outdoors girl taking advantage of an opportunity. She’s here to spend time with you.”

  “She’s just thankful because I cried with her.”

  “Wow,” she said. “You have a really low opinion of both of you. She’s here for you. Maybe it’s only a fling, so make it a good fling. Take a chance, Janis.”

  I looked down at the ground for a minute before finally nodding. “I’ll try.”

  “Good. Promise.”

  “I promise.”

  “You’ll put your whole self into it.”

  I paused then nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “And try living for the moment a little.” She waved at my face. “No more of this. She’s here. She’s sweet on you.” She waved again. “This turns into self-fulfilling prophecies, and if you let that happen, I am going to be pissed at you.”

  I considered everything she said then nodded. “You’re right,” I agreed.

  “Of course I’m right,” she said. “Do you need me tonight?”

  “Rough trip?”

  “No more than usual, but I have a half-hour drive. I want to shower and climb into comfortable jammies.”

  “Not going to take your own medicine?”

  She snorted. “Ted will talk about his trip for a few hours. We’ll have dinner. And he’ll be asleep by seven.”

  “Enjoy your evening.”

  “I will.” She gave me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. “I love you and want you to be happy.”

  And then she turned and flounced away while I stared after her. We’d never said anything like that to each other before.

  * * * *

  I wouldn’t say I dressed all that fashionably. First, anything fashionable I had was outdated. Secondly, we weren’t going to the opera. We were at a lakeside lodge in the north woods. I didn’t really have appropriate date clothes for the setting. But Alyssa had asked to see a little leg, and she didn’t mean shorts.

  I wore a little black dress then spent time on hair and makeup. I was generally a total tomboy, but I could dress for a different role with a little effort.

  Okay, a lot of effort.

  But I was who I was, and I wasn’t going to apologize for it.

  We’d agreed to meet in the lobby. When I got there, I saw Jenna acting as hostess for the restaurant. She nodded and stepped to me, giving me a once-over. “Nice,” she said. Then she leaned past me and pointedly checked out my ass.

  “Hey!” I complained, turning my backside away from her, but then I realized I was giving her a look right down the front of my dress, and
I covered up with my hand. “Hey!” I complained again.

  “Oh, that last one was entirely your fault,” she said with a laugh.

  “I suppose it was,” I admitted.

  “Will you be dining alone tonight, Madam?” she asked. “Or are you meeting someone?”

  “Funny. Is she here?”

  “Not yet. Did you want to sit while you wait?” She gave me an appraising look. “I haven’t seen you look this nervous since the health inspector was here.”

  “Funny,” I said again.

  “Seriously, Janis. Relax.” She leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially. “I think this one is a sure thing.”

  “Knock it off!” I said. “You’re having way too much fun with this.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Janis,” she said, smiling broadly. “Now, do you remember what I told you?”

  “It’s not like I’ve never had a date before, you know.”

  “Don’t hold back,” she told me. “Take a chance, Janis.”

  I didn’t say anything in response. Jenna gave me a moment then asked again, “Did you want to wait inside?”


  She gestured with her head. “I’ll be nearby if you need me.”

  I shook my head. She simply laughed and headed back for the dining room.

  Alyssa only kept me waiting a few minutes. The lodge door opened, and when I turned, she was framed in the opening, smiling at me and looking… absolutely… fabulous.

  Then she smiled and stepped forward, letting the door close behind her. She closed the distance, looking into my eyes and not stopping until we were touching. She leaned forward and brushed cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You look amazing,” I told her.

  “So do you.” She kissed my cheek then withdrew, although she collected my hand as she did so. “To be clear: I don’t hide who I am.” She squeezed my hand in emphasis of what she meant.

  “Neither do I.”


  Alyssa turned us both, and by the time we made it to the hostess stand, Jenna was smiling at us. She looked from one to the other then said, “You both look lovely tonight. I saved you our best table.” She turned and led us to a table near the windows. It was normally a table for four, but it was set for two across from each other. Menus and water were already waiting.

  Alyssa handed me into my seat and took her own. Jenna smiled again. “Do you know what you’ll be drinking?”