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The Interrogation Page 4

  She walked around to the cart and came back, now carrying a tube of some sort. She opened it then began squeezing it over the rubber end of the toy, then used her hand to rub the fluid all up and down the rubber.

  "Lubrication," she said. "I don't want it to hurt going in."

  "Oh god!" I said immediately. "Where does it go?"

  She smiled but didn't answer, and then she was standing behind me, and I understood exactly where it went. She pressed it between the cheeks of my ass. "Relax, Belle," she said. "Don't clench, or it's going to hurt." And then, slowly, she eased it into me.

  It hurt a little, but it felt good, too, and I found myself trying to thrust my ass at her, taking more of the toy into me. She laughed. "Oh, you like this, do you? Patience, Belle, you'll be taking all of it." She wormed it into me, and then she stood back, admiring her work. "Wriggle your ass, Belle."

  "Oh god," I said.

  She stepped up to me and gave me three firm swats on my ass. They all stung, and I yelped after each of them.

  "I told you, wriggle your ass!"

  I began wriggling, and after a moment, she said, "Good girl. Don't stop now."

  The audience was laughing, and I knew I colored, but I kept wriggling. I imagined the fox tail was waving around in the air, amusing all of them, and I was deeply embarrassed. But I didn't want her to stop.

  I couldn't believe I was letting her do this to me. I couldn't believe I wanted her to step it up.

  She reappeared in front of me, wiping her hands on a towel. I looked up and she was watching me. "Keep wriggling," she said. "You look so cute, Belle."

  I continued to blush, but I continued to wriggle, too.

  She took her time wiping her hands. She was under a time limit, but she was quite casual. Was she that confident she'd get me to tell my secrets that she could waste time? Finally, satisfied, she threw the towel past me, and I was sure it landed on the cart. She laid a hand on the small of my back, and I suddenly craved her touch even more than I had before.

  "Please touch me," I whispered.

  "Oh, I will," she said. "Do you like your new tail?"

  "Yes." I answered, and she began caressing me, soft, fleeting, intimate touches.

  Katrina asked more questions, none of which I answered with "no". Then, her fingers resting on my ribs on either side of me, she asked me, "Are you ticklish?"

  "Yes," I whimpered. And she began tickling me.

  My squirms increased dramatically, but each squirm also drove me a little crazy, the plug I was wearing pressing against me intimately. I found myself clenching my ass as I squirmed and giggled, trying in vain to escape her fingers.

  "Give me the name, Belle," she said. "Answer my question!"

  "No!" I said loudly. "No!" But still she tickled and tickled.

  I loved every second.

  I was completely helpless and loving every second.

  I lost track of the audience. I lost track of everything except Katrina.

  "Give me the name, Belle, and I'll spend three minutes touching you however you want."


  She asked twice more, and then her hands stilled and withdrew.

  "Come back!" I begged.

  "Oh, I'm not at all done with you, Belle," she said.

  I squirmed, all my nerves awake. I knew my legs were sodden from my ardor. I wondered how long we'd been up here. I wondered what would happen when the hour ended. I wondered if I would be brave enough to ask for my wish.

  She walked to her cart, lifting something, and the audience made itself known again. Katrina walked around the table twice before coming to a stop in front of me, then she held up her other hand and the audience grew quiet. She showed me what she was carrying.

  "Do you know what this is, Belle?"

  I looked at it. Yes, I knew what it was. "A v-vibrator," I said.

  "Yes," she said. "I hope you won't be too disappointed. This isn't for you."

  "It's not?"

  "No. It's for me."

  And then, right in front of me, she crouched down, reaching under her skirt between her legs, and the vibrator disappeared from my view. She wriggled a little and then moaned for a moment, letting out an "ahhhhhh" at the end. She wriggled some more, then I heard something snap and she stood up. "Oh perfect."

  "Shouldn't it fall out?"

  She smiled then lifted her leg to the table, holding her skirt open for me to see. I saw she was wearing some sort of belt underneath the leather skirt, and there was a strap that passed between her legs, snugged up against the base of the vibrator and holding it in place. "I come prepared," she said.

  "It's not on," I said.

  She set her leg back down on the floor, stepped behind me, and then reached over to me and set a small black box on the table in front of my face. "It's remote controlled," she said. "I have one for you, too."

  Again she paraded around the table, holding something in the air, entertaining the audience before she finally let me see it.

  It was the biggest damned vibrator I had ever seen. No way would that fit into me.

  "Oh god!" I said. "Katrina, no!"

  She grabbed her tube of lubricate and spread it carefully over the tip, rubbing it in, then she stepped behind me and reached between my legs.

  I began to panic, thrashing against my bonds and saying, "No, no, no, no!" Over and over as she pressed the vibrator against my clit. She turned it on, and I thrashed against it.

  It felt so good, but she couldn't stick that monster into me.

  I moaned, my "no, no, no" turning into whimpers.

  She began pushing it into me, just the tip, and I screamed, "Stop!"

  Immediately Katrina pulled the vibrator away and turned it off. She walked around the table, dropping the monster vibrator on her cart and picking something else up, then crossed around to kneel in front of me, her face directly in front of mine. She reached over to the microphone and I heard it click off.

  "I was teasing," she said. "I thought you would realize that."

  I knew my eyes were a little wild. I couldn't see what she was holding, but she reached out one hand and caressed my face. "Do I need to stop, honey?"

  I closed my eyes then said in a small voice, "No, but please don't hurt me."

  "Oh honey," she said. "I won't hurt you. I promise. Open your eyes now." Then I heard a click as the microphone turned back on.

  I opened my eyes to see her holding a different vibrator, one of a far more reasonable size. I washed as she lubricated it thoroughly, and she asked, "Do you want me to use this?"

  I nodded.

  She stood up, kissed my cheek, and then whispered, "What is the name of the company you are visiting Monday?"

  "I won't tell you," I said.

  "You will," she replied. She walked away behind me, caressed me between the legs for a moment, eliciting a squirm, and then the vibrator was pressing against me, sliding into me. She worked it in slowly, teasing me with it, sliding it in and out, and I squirmed against it, trying to slide down it further. Finally it slid in as far as it was going to go. With one hand, she held it in place while she stretched, reaching for something else on the cart. She shifted, and her knee was between my legs, holding the vibrator in place while she used her hands to wrap a belt around my waist. She buckled it, then there was a strap between my legs, and she buckled it tightly in place. I couldn't see, but somehow it held the vibrator without interfering with the fox tail.

  I moaned and squirmed the entire time.

  "Answer my question, Belle," she ordered.


  She used her hand, pressing and releasing the vibrator. She hadn't turned it on yet, and still it felt good, really good. Her other hand began tracing patterns in the skin of my ass, teasing my tailbone and occasionally bumping against the fox tail. Every time she did that, I jumped.

  "Tell me!"


  The hand between my legs left, and I moaned in disappointment. Instead, she picked up the remote and press
ed a button. I heard vibrating, but I didn't feel a thing, and I realized she had turned her own on.

  "Oh," she said breathlessly, "oh that feels good."

  She walked away, still moaning quietly, then a moment later she was back, bringing a chair with her. She set it in front of me where I could watch and collapsed into it, raising her feet to the edge of the table and spreading her legs so I could watch what she was doing. She reached between her own legs and began pressing against the vibrator.

  I couldn't take my eyes off what she was doing.

  She was glistening wet, and she was moaning and squirming, more loudly now. Then her fingers slipped under the leather and I knew she was teasing her own clitoris. She jumped and moaned. I glanced at her face, and she was watching me through lidded eyes, her lips parted.

  "Ohhh," she said. "Oh, that feels so good."

  I watched, struggling to reach out to her, struggling to touch her, as she drove herself to an orgasm. I knew the minute it arrived. She screamed "Belle, oh god that feels good, Belle!" She arched her back, stiffened, and then collapsed into the chair. Her hands held their place, and the vibrator continued to buzz for a moment, then grew still.

  She sat in the chair for a while, panting, slowing getting her breath back.

  "Oh that felt good, Belle," she said.

  Then she did something with the remote control, and there was a moment of buzzing between my legs. I arched my back and hissed. The buzzing stopped, and I collapsed back in place.

  "Did that feel good, Belle?" she asked. I was still staring between her legs, unhappy the leather was hiding view of her best bits.

  "Yes," I said.

  "Do you want me to do it again?"

  She didn't wait for me to answer. She flipped the switch, and the vibrator buzzed. She let it go longer while I squirmed and thrashed, then she turned it off.

  "I love teasing you, Belle," she said. Languidly, she rose from her chair, giving me two quick bursts with the vibrator, then she turned it on while she bent over me and began nipping the back of my neck, one hand playing with the fox tail, and I went crazy with the sensations.

  I don't know how long she did that. My brain shut down. All I could think about was Katrina and what she was doing to me. My entire body clenched and thrashed, and I knew I was about to have the best orgasm I'd had in years, when suddenly the vibrator turned off.

  "Tell me what I want to know," Katrina whispered in my ear, "and I'll let you finish."

  "No," I whimpered. "Please, Katrina."

  "Answer me! Tell me what I want to know."

  "I can't," I said, and I knew tears were starting to crawl from my eyes, I was so frustrated. "I can't. Please, Katrina, don't stop."

  She caressed my cheek then whispered quietly, "Are you okay?"

  I nodded. "Don't stop," I whispered. "But I can't tell you."

  "You will," she whispered before kissing my ear.

  She stepped away, walking around the table, and I heard her pick something up. She rattled it, and it sounded like an ice bucket. The audience said, "oohhh," and I heard someone yell out, "harsh!"

  "No!" I begged. "No!"

  "Tell me," she said, "and I'll finish what I started. Otherwise you need to cool off. I'd let you sit, but we don't have that kind of time."

  "I can't," I said. "Oh god, Katrina."

  And then I practically screamed as she poured the ice over my back. It cascaded over me, much of it bouncing off and falling to the table, then to the floor. Katrina gathered up what she could reach and began caressing me with the ice, which was bad enough, but then she reached between my legs and began sliding several cubes underneath the leather between my legs, and I screamed again.

  It didn't hurt, but it was horribly cold. I wriggled and wriggled, trying to dislodge the ice. The audience laughed. Katrina laughed. The ice slid from my back, but the ice she had pressed between my legs was well-lodged in place, and I felt as it melted, the cold water dripping down my legs.

  Katrina collected the ice as it fell off me and continued to stroke my body with it, and I began screeching, "Cold! Cold!"

  "Of course it is, Belle," she said. "That's the entire idea."

  Then she reached between my legs and grabbed the ice that was there, and I had never known such relief, but it was short lived as she replaced it with two fresh cubes, and I hissed.

  She popped the two cubes into my mouth. They tasted of me. She wrapped her hand over my mouth, holding the cubes in place.

  "Let them melt," she ordered. "If you spit them out, you will not like what I do to you. If you bite them, you will not like what I do."

  I nodded understanding, and she withdrew her hand from my mouth.

  She moved to the head of the table where I couldn't see her, grabbing more of the ice and bathing my body with it, leaning over me to kiss my hair for a moment, whispering into my ear, "God, you're beautiful like this. The things I'm going to make you do for me this weekend. Oh god, you're beautiful, Belle."

  I shivered and whimpered, but I let the ice in my mouth melt slowly.

  Finally Katrina showed mercy and began collecting the ice, even pulling out the two from between my legs.

  The ice had done the trick. I was worked up, but nowhere near as close to orgasm as I had been. I didn't think she could possibly get me back there again tonight, I was so cold.

  But then she was in front of me, twisting my neck further, lifting my mouth from the table, and she lowered her mouth to mine, saying, "Let me steal them," right before she covered my mouth with hers.

  Her tongue slipped into my cold mouth and withdrew, her open mouth waiting for me, and I pushed the now much smaller cubes into her mouth. She moaned in pleasure, then we passed them back and forth a few times before they finished melting. The kisses turned into a real kiss, and her free hand was caressing my back.

  She finally released me, gently laying my head back down on the table.

  "I want you, Belle," she whispered to me. "I want you so badly. Tell me what I need to know, and we'll spend the rest of the evening somewhere private, giving each other orgasm after orgasm."

  "Oh god," I moaned. "I can't, Katrina!"

  She began a new, delicious torture.

  She did something to the table, and the section immediately under my breasts dropped away, leaving a gap between my belly and my upper chest. My breasts hung free, and the audience gasped. I was sure they could see my breasts below the table.

  Katrina reached underneath and began teasing them, then whispered to me, "You aren't remotely submissive enough, Belle."

  She stepped away then returned, reaching underneath me, and she began slipping something to one of my nipples. I gasped. It hurt. Not horribly, but it was far too tight. She treated the second nipple the same as the first, and I felt something tugging on my nipples.

  "Do you know what I've done?" she asked me.

  "No," I said, gasping it out.

  "I've attached nipple clamps, and they are weighted. It becomes quite delicious torture when you begin to squirm, as the balls begin to swing from the ends of the chains, pulling your nipples this way and that."

  Then she began tickling me, and I squirmed, and sure enough, I felt tugging on my nipples as the balls swung too and fro. She stopped tickling me, but still they swung back and forth, tugging on me.

  And she hit me for a brief shot with the vibrator. I jumped, and the balls jumped, tugging on my nipples.

  "Oh god," I said.

  "I love seeing how helpless you are," she said. "I love watching as you realize how I can do anything I want to you." And she began playing with the fox tail, and I jumped, causing the balls to bounce around. Then the vibrator, and another jump.

  I began panting loudly, everything felt so good, even though my nipples began to ache. I didn't understand it, but every time I jumped, I got a jolt of pleasure at the same time.

  Then Katrina leaned over me, tweaking the fox tail to make me jump, and whispered into my ear, "Do you want me to stop?"

  "No!" I said. "Oh god, no!"

  "Tell me what I want to know, Belle," she said. She tweaked me. "I can make this even more delicious." The vibrator for a blast. "Tell me. You won't regret it."

  She teased me and teased me. I panted at her, begging her not to stop, but then she said, "Last chance, Belle!"

  "I can't tell you!"

  And she stepped away. I whined. "Please, Katrina," I said. "I'll declare you won, but I can't tell you. Please don't stop."

  "Oh no," she said, "I intend to win fair and square. No cheating."

  She walked away, and I slumped against the table, the balls still waving around underneath me, tugging on my nipples, which appeared to have a direct connection to my clit.

  I lay on the table, gasping every time the balls bounced just the right way, but slowly they grew still. Katrina walked to the edge of the stage then looked at the timer. She pursed her lips, then looked at me, studying me.

  I locked my eyes on her. She was so beautiful, and I never wanted her to stop. I'd never have considered doing anything like this in public before, but I couldn't get enough of what she was doing to me, and I wanted more, I wanted so much more. She was the woman of my dreams, always mythical before, but now here in the flesh, and I had her complete attention.

  My heart broke at the thought she wouldn't want me if she didn't win. She was frowning at me, and my heart shattered at her expression. She looked sad, and... bored. She looked bored.

  I felt tears fill my eyes and begin to slide down my cheeks. She was bored.

  She crossed the stage back to me then I watched as she turned the microphones off then spoke quietly in my ear, "I'm running out of time."

  "Please don't hate me," I said.

  She leaned away. "I don't hate you," she said. "I didn't think you would last like this. I could break you if I had more time. An hour is about as long as people like to watch, but three hours would have been a lot more fun. You wouldn't last three hours."