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The Interrogation Page 9

  Katrina stroked my back, humming into my ear for a moment. It felt so good. I wanted to lean against her, but I came up short by the chain again. She chuckled.

  "This is delicious," she said. "Barely bound, and it's frustrating you to no end."

  "Don't stop," I whispered.

  "I've barely started, darling," she said, and I squirmed against the chain again. "Don't struggle too hard, though. The collar is delicate."

  "I understand," I said.

  "I'm going to answer your question, but only briefly. We'll talk more tomorrow during the drive, if you like. Honey, I love doing this to you. God, you wouldn't believe what it does to me watching you struggle like this. Your moans and whimpers are the sweetest music to me. I admit: I love being served. I deeply wish I could keep you for a very long time. I love your submission. I love seeing you kneel. I love knowing you are only waiting for me to tell you what I want you to do next. Oh god, I love all of that."

  I struggled again. I really wanted to feel her whole body.

  "Hold me, Katrina," I asked. "Please."

  And she did, wrapping her arms around me, one arm around my stomach, the other under my left arm then reaching between my breasts, her fingers resting on my shoulder. She pressed into my back. My heart was pounding.

  "Are you all right?" she asked.

  "Oh yes," I said. "Please, may I hold you, too?"

  "Yes," she said. "For now." I moved my hands from the wall and clasped at her arm, pulling it more tightly against me.

  "I just need the physical connection right now," I told her.

  She kissed my ear. "Ready for me to go on?" I nodded.

  "I love the submission and the service. I absolutely love it. And what I do to you tonight is what drives the submission and the service. I wouldn't get them without this. But honey, I love doing this to you. I get a huge rush. I am going to have plenty of orgasms tonight, but even without them, I would love this. You wouldn't believe what it's doing to me watching you against the wall. God, I love touching you. And to have you beg to be held..." She sighed.

  "I-" I started to say. "I've thought about doing this to someone else. It doesn't do a thing for me."

  "I understand. And I wouldn't want to be in your position. But it does a great deal to me to play my role. You wouldn't believe how wet I am, Bethany, just from what we've done so far, and we've barely started. Do you know what the hardest thing is going to be for me tonight?"

  I shook my head.

  "Not losing control. The more helpless I make you, and I am going to make you exceedingly helpless, the deeper into domme-space I go."


  "Have you heard of sub-space? I think you're feeling it now. Some people describe it like a blanket of submission wrapping around you."

  "Oh." I smiled. "Yes. Are you going to tighten the blanket around me?"

  "Oh yes," she said. "I have something similar. It's not a blanket to me, but the effect is similar, but it makes me exceedingly dominant. I won't go too far tonight, and I will need to be very, very careful tomorrow night, but if we were going to have a long-term relationship, I would need to teach you how to recognize it, and how to wake me from it."

  "And you're feeling this now?" I asked.

  "Oh yes, and I love it, Bethany. All right?"

  I nodded. "Thank you, Katrina." I sighed happily. "I'm not being selfish?"

  She laughed. "No. Better?"

  I nodded again. It was disappointing when she slowly released me, then she took my hands and gently placed them on the wall again.

  She began stroking my body, purring at me, laughing throatily at my responses as I squirmed and squirmed.

  When she pulled away, I whimpered.

  "Did you wish to pay for more of that?" she asked, her mouth near my ear, but not touching me. "One little passkey, and I'll continue to do that to you."

  I clamped my mouth shut. I wasn't going to give up that easily.

  She laughed.

  "I didn't think so."

  And then she stepped away. "Eyes forward!" she ordered when I turned to watch her. I stared at the hook in the wall, inches from my nose.

  She stepped to the closet then returned.

  "Some subs like being blindfolded," she said. "I like making you look where I want you to look. It is easier to feel helpless when you can't see, but the submission is deeper when you obey me."

  Oh god. I immediately knew she was right. I squirmed.

  "Keep your eyes forward, Bethany, or I will punish you."

  "Yes, Katrina," I whispered.

  But I could tell by feel what she was doing, and I occasionally caught glimpses from the corner of my eyes as she began wrapping rope around my body. She took her time, humming as she worked, and slowly wrapped my body in a rope harness. Some of the ropes passed between my breasts. Some passed below, some passed above. Some ropes passed between my legs, but she managed to tie them in a fashion they didn't dig into me. I couldn't quite tell how she did that.

  Finally she tied everything off and stepped back to admire her handiwork. "There," she said. "That will do. Do you know what I am going to do to you?"

  "No," I whispered. "Will I like it?"

  "At first. You're going to give me one of the keys, my pet." She stepped away for a moment then returned, standing behind me. "All right. Relax your arms. Hands by your sides. You can lean your forehead against the wall if necessary."

  I did what she ordered, letting my arms hang by my sides. She took them from me and then began wrapping rope around my left wrist. She moved my wrist to the small of my back and then added my right, securing my wrists side by side, my palms facing each other, not crossed. Then she worked her way up my arms, pulling them more tightly together behind my back.

  At first it wasn't bad, but the further she worked, the further she pulled my elbows together, the more strain it put on my shoulders. I began to whimper lightly.

  "Too much?" she asked after my third or fourth whimper.

  "No," I said.

  "I need to hear the words, 'don't stop'."

  "Don't stop!"

  "Good girl." She patted my bottom, and then she tightened the ropes even tighter. Slowly, my shoulders loosened, and as soon as they did, she pulled my arms even tighter. The ropes extended all the way to my biceps. Finally she tied everything off to the harness she'd tied first, and I had only the smallest of movements in my arms.

  "Oh, you look lovely, Bethany," she said. "This is so delicious. This is inescapable. There isn't a single knot you can reach." She giggled. "You will be well-motivated later to try."

  I waved my fingers around, trying to find a knot to loosen. As she said, there weren't any. I could reach some of the rope, but it was slick under my fingers, and there was nothing I could untie.

  I moaned and whimpered as she began stroking my body again. It took her seconds, only seconds, before I was squirming madly under her touch.

  "You are mine," she reminded me. "And I can do anything I like with you."

  "Yes," I whispered in agreement.

  "Give me the first key, and I will release your arms and give you an hour of pleasure."


  She chuckled. "Good. I had to offer, but I would have been so disappointed if you had accepted. I'm not remotely done preparing you for my pleasures."

  She stepped away, returning immediately with a key. She released the padlock anchoring my collar to the chain, and I fell backwards against her. She caught me saying, "I've got you." Her strong arms supported me.

  I copped a feel.

  "Naughty girl!" she said. She immediately began dragging me backwards, entirely off balance, and threw me onto the bed. Immediately she was on top of me, sitting on my back, on my bound arms, pressing me face down onto the bed. I struggled weakly under her, kicking my feet, but she simply settled her weight onto me until it was very difficult to breathe.

  I slowed my struggles, then ceased entirely.

  "If you kick me, Bethany, I prom
ise you will spend a long time regretting it." But she lifted some of her weight from me until I could breathe properly. I panted underneath her. I felt her shift her weight forward, which meant over my bare ass. Then she began caressing my ass.

  "I hope you enjoyed that grab," she said. "Ten swats. Count them." She didn't pause but gave me a firm swat on my bottom.

  I yelped, then said, "One."

  She alternated cheeks, and it wasn't a token spanking. By the end of the spanking, it was very difficult to lie still underneath her, and I was panting for breath after each swat before I could say, "Eight, Nine, Ten."

  Then it was over. She slipped off me and settled onto the bed next to me. "Look at me," she said softly, and I turned to face her. She brushed the tears from my eyes. "Too much?"


  "We're still learning each other," she said. "One to ten, what was that?"

  "Three," I said.

  She narrowed her eyes. "I know it hurt, and you said you weren't into pain."

  "Three," I repeated.

  She didn't look happy. "Punishments are supposed to be a deterrence."

  "It is!" I said. "I didn't say I liked it. But I like knowing you won't let me get away with anything."

  She smiled. "All right. Do you know your limits?"

  "No, but if I start sobbing, take it seriously."

  "All right. If it gets close, make me stop."

  "Safe word?"


  I laughed. "Seriously?"

  "It's not like it's going to slip out. Say it."


  "They're cute and cuddly."

  I smiled and nodded.

  She kissed my nose. I wrinkled it at her. Then she climbed from the bed and walked away for a moment, returning very briefly.

  "Face down," she said, and I buried my face in the bed, making sure I could breathe.

  Katrina slipped onto the bed, nudging my legs apart and lifting me up so that I was half kneeling on the bed, my face still buried. She reached between my legs, and I immediately began squirming and moaning as her fingers slipped up and down my velvety slit.

  "Ohhh," I said into the bedding.

  Then, just as I was really beginning to enjoy what she was doing, I felt the vibrator begin to slide into me. I pressed against it, taking it more deeply, and then I felt her palm flat against my vulva as I took the vibrator inside me. She held me like that while stepping around my legs and pressing them together.

  "Flat again," she said. "Clench that tightly."

  I found myself flat on my stomach again and held my legs tightly together.

  Then she began wrapping my legs with rope, pulling them side-by-side, tightly pressed against each other. She started at my ankles, but by the time she was done, I was bound all the way to above my knees, my legs locked together.

  "Do you know what I am doing to you?" she asked.

  "Hog-tying me," I replied, tipping my head so I could talk.

  "That's right. Comfy?"


  She laughed. "That's right, too."

  She bent my knees, bending my feet towards my ass, then leaned into my legs, bending them as far as they would go before she tied them that way. She chuckled. "You can't reach this knot, either, and I'm not even done yet."

  She began wrapping my feet in much thinner rope. I couldn't see, but I felt the rope passing between my toes. Then she lay down on the bed next to me again.

  "Look at me." I turned my head, and she was smiling. "You are so beautiful like this, Bethany. But I am playing to win."

  "I know." I smiled. "I'm not telling you anything!"

  "Let me explain what is going to happen next. I am going to use the cord I just tied to make you flex your feet. You will end up with your toes pointed to your head.

  I flexed my feet, considering. That didn't seem so bad.

  She smiled.

  "The thing is, it's okay to stretch like that for a while, but ever had a Charlie horse? A cramp in your calves?"

  Oh god. "Yes."

  "They hurt. Quite a bit."


  "Do you know the best cure for them?"

  "Stretch your toes towards your nose."

  "And you aren't going to be able to do that. Give me the first key, and I won't tie your feet like that."


  "Once the Charlie horse hits, it's going to take time to untie you, and I won't do it without two keys."

  "Oh god."

  "Imagine while you give me each of your long keys. Imagine how long it is going to take for me to test them."

  I did imagine. I clamped my lips together.

  She smiled. "So be it." She climbed from the bed, then I felt her tying my feet off, making me point my toes, then stretching my feet for me even further until my toes were pointed towards the back of my head. She tied off the cord, and when I struggled, I couldn't straighten my feet. Nor could I reach the knots.

  "I know what I am doing," she said. "You won't reach any of my knots."

  She lay back down next to me and began stroking my body. "How are your shoulders?"

  "Tight," I said.

  "Here's the thing. I normally set a limit how long I will leave someone like this. But tonight, you get to decide. When you're ready for me to release you, you can negotiate how many keys it will take before I free you."

  "I don't want you to ever free me," I told her.

  "Then before I give your body respite before I tie you in some other fashion."

  I smiled. And squirmed.

  "Now, one more thing, and this position will be complete." She climbed from the bed, and when she returned, she had more cord. She began tying some pattern in it. I wasn't sure what. Then she wrapped it around my face and began tying it off. There was a section underneath my nose, which she snugged tightly against my nostrils, although I could still breath through my nose. There was a loop under my chin, and more loops passing around my ears. There was a loop across my forehead and two side-by-side passing up the side of my nose, then coming together at the bridge of my nose and up to the loop over my forehead. She took her time, building a harness for my head.

  I found it fascinating and wished I could watch in a mirror. She studied me intently, not talking, tying it carefully, and I loved to watch her hands moving. When the back of her hand came too near my lips, I kissed her hand. The next time, she lingered there, and I kissed as long as she let me.

  She caressed my cheek then returned to tying the harness.

  Then she began weaving the harness into my hair, braiding everything together. When she was done, she collected the braid in her hand and began turning my head. I had no choice but to let her do whatever she wanted to my head.

  "I love this kind of control," she said. "You have no choice but to let me turn you this way and that."

  "No," I said. "I don't."

  "Now the best part," she said, and she pulled my head back, straining my neck, and then she tied it off, and I could do nothing but look straight ahead. I whimpered.


  "No," I said.

  Katrina rolled off the bed, then she half lifted me, sliding me around on the bed until she had me just the way she wanted me. She disappeared from view then came back carrying a chair, and she set it at the side of the bed directly in front of me.

  Then, while I watched, she slowly undressed in front of me, watching me the entire time.

  "You are free to squirm," she said. "You are free to try to free yourself. In fact, you are free to do anything you want." She laughed.

  She took her time undressing, but soon she stood in front of me entirely naked. She stepped to the closet, hanging up her clothes, then came back to me dressed in a thin black robe, allowing it to hang open. She was carrying her own vibrator and the remote. She sat in the chair, spreading her legs so I was staring between them, and I could see she was sodden, glistening wet and dripping.

  "I do that to you?" I asked.

  "Uh huh," she said. "Yo
u do."

  I felt a rush of endorphins, and I moaned. "Oh Katrina," I said. I couldn't take my eyes from her.

  Then she flipped a switch on the remote, and I would have jumped to the ceiling as my vibrator began to buzz. She gave me about fifteen seconds then turned it off. I was panting loudly by the time she was done.

  "That's all you get," she said. "I hope you enjoyed it."

  I whimpered.

  Then I watched as she slowly slid the vibrator inside herself. She used the remote to turn it on, although from the sound, it was on a low setting.

  She opened her eyes and looked at me. "You may ask me to do anything you would like," she said. "The price, if I agree at all, is one key."

  And then I watched as she began to pleasure herself. She took her time, and I knew she was teasing herself more than anything.

  It was maddening. She was so close, and I could smell her musk. I struggled in my bonds. She told me I was free to do whatever I wanted, and I struggled to get closer to her. I made absolutely no progress.

  I struggled with my bonds, hoping to loosen them enough I could move closer. I made no progress.

  Katrina's eyes were lidded as she watched me. She began to moan as her own pleasures built.

  "Struggle," Bethany," she whispered. "It won't do you any good, but I do enjoy watching."

  She continued to tease and tantalize herself. I knew she was close to an orgasm, but then I watched as she backed off, moaning. "I like making them last," she said. "Oh, you look so lovely like that. Tell me, do you like the show?"

  "Yes," I whispered.

  "Do you wish you could taste?"

  "Yes. Please, Katrina, will you let me pleasure you?"

  "A key," she said. "A key, and you may pleasure me. I won't even check the key until you're done."

  "No!" I said. "Please, I have a good tongue. You'll enjoy it."

  "I know I would," she said. "But I have good fingers." And then she stepped it up, her squirms adding to my own. "Oh, so close," she said. "God you are so beautiful, my pet." And then she was coming, moaning and thrusting with the vibrator. I could see her clenching, and a fresh wave of musk rolled over me.

  She grew still, the only sounds from her rapid breathing.

  "Ohh," she said. "That wasn't bad." She withdrew the vibrator, tossing it on the bed, then lowered her legs. She leaned forward and wiped her fingers off on my upper lip, smiling.